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…Home Weatherization Can Lower Heating Bills

Choosing Between Heat or Other Basic Needs Can Be a Tough Decision When It’s So Cold Outside


The cooler temperatures have us all edging up the thermostats but for those on a limited income, that’s a scary thought. As the heaters are being turned on higher and higher in homes across North Carolina, families are starting to think about the impact of higher energy costs on their monthly budget – especially after the holiday season. According to recent data by the Energy Information Administration, natural gas prices fell nationally by 12% and fuel oil by 8% in 2009, but in a new year with a struggling economy, this savings won’t help because the income in many families has been adversely affected by the current economic situation.

The hardest-hit in times of hardship, are low- income families. The lowest-income households pay 17% or more of their annual incomes for energy compared with 6% for other households. This could cause more families to make the difficult choice between heat and other basic necessities.

It’s important to know that there is a federal program that addresses these daily energy concerns. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program, working with its state and local partners like Resources for Seniors in Wake County, helps to reduce the energy burden on low-income families by installing cost- effective, energy efficiency measures.

In Wake County, Resources for Seniors will weatherize over 900 of homes by March 2012. To participate, homeowners must have a maximum income of 200% of the Federal Poverty Level ($21,660 for one person and $7,480 for each additional person) and can use up to $4,000 for energy efficiency upgrades to their home. These households save an average of $413 annually on their heating bills after the weatherization work has been completed. The dollar savings alone make a big difference for the families. Weatherization makes the home warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer and safer to live in.

Resources for Seniors’ weatherization work makes a daily impact on low-income families. Weatherization also benefits the community by preventing the “export” of energy dollars, employing trained weatherization crews and contractors, reducing power plant emissions, and improving the local environment.

Weatherization technicians use computerized energy audits and advanced diagnostic technologies, such as blower doors and duct blasters, to determine the most cost-effective measures for each home. They also assess related health and safety conditions.

Dave Cottengim, President of Resources for Seniors, offered these comments about Home Weatherization; “Crew members and contractors are hard at work in the homes of truly needy families in Wake County making a real difference in their lives. After our crews provide services, these families experience an average energy use reduction $413/year. Money is put back in their pockets to buy groceries, visit a doctor, buy medicine, or improve some standard of living during a time when every penny counts, especially when the temperatures outside have been so bitterly cold.”

Serving as the nation’s core program for delivering energy efficiency services to low-income households, the Weatherization Assistance Program prioritizes the elderly, persons with disabilities, and households with children. Households experience energy efficiency, financial, and health and safety gains as a result of weatherization measures. The Weatherization Program serves every county in the nation through its network of state and local agencies. For more information about the Weatherization Assistance Program in Wake County, please call state (919) 713-1570 or visit the local web site at Wake County Weatherization Program.

Related Links:
Wake County Weatherization Program
North Carolina Energy Office
North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment
National Weatherization Day Message from Senior Advisor Matt Rogers by U.S. Dept of Energy
Weatherizatio n Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center
U.S . Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program

The hardest-hit in times of hardship, are low- income families. li>
Natural gas prices fell nationally by 12% and fuel oil by 8% in 2009.
The lowest-income households pay 17% or more of their annual incomes for energy compared with 6% for other households.
In Wake County, Resources for Seniors will weatherize over 900 of homes by March 2012.
To participate, homeowners must have a maximum income of 200% of the Federal Poverty Leve ($21,660 for one person and $7,480 for each additional person), and can use up to $6,500 for energy efficiency upgrades to their home.
Weatherized homes save an average of $413 annually on their heating bills after the weatherization work has been completed.

Dave Cottengim, President of Resources for Seniors, offered these comments about Home Weatherization – “Crew members and contractors are hard at work in the homes of truly needy families in Wake County making a real difference in their lives. After our crews provide services, these families experience an average energy use reduction $413/year. Money is put back in their pockets to buy groceries, visit a doctor, buy medicine, or improve some standard of living during a time when every penny counts, especially when the temperatures outside have been so bitterly cold.”

About Wake County Weatherization Program

The Wake County Weatherization Program delivers energy efficiency services to low-income households and prioritizes service to the elderly, persons with disabilities, and households with children, first. Families and individuals eligible to receive weatherization services are those with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level. Weatherization Assistance services are delivered to single- family homes, multi-family dwellings and mobile homes. Those receiving services do not have to own their home. Those renting property can also apply. Services provided include: addressing carbon monoxide levels and combustion safety, Sealing air leaks, installing insulation in attics, walls and floors, sealing and insulating ducts, installing a smart thermostat, installing energy efficient light bulbs, installing low- flow shower heads, and performing tune-ups and repairs to heating and cooling systems.

Call 919/713.1570 or Visit on the Web: http://www.resourcesforseniors.com/weather.php