Serving older adults and adults with disabilities in Wake County, NC, by providing home and community-based services and information so that they can maximize their choices for independence, comfort, safety, security and well-being. We provide information and support for decision-making, and direct services such as home care, adult day care, senior centers, home adaptations, and more. We are committed to excellence in service and care for individuals and their families.
What We Offer
Resources for Seniors has a full range of services and programs to support aging adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. From home care support to daytime programs, you have many options to fit your needs.
Community Resources
For those services we are not able to meet, our databases allow you to search and find Wake County resources in the community that specialize in your needed service.
Recent News & Events

Medication Education
Medical Transportation
Weatherization (WAP)
Long-Term Care Facilities
Home Adaptations
Subsidized/Affordable Housing
Resource Referral
Caregiver Support
Speed Referrals
Resource Directory
Additional Services for Seniors
Information Department
Make a Payment
Employment Opportunities
Covid-19 Wake County Resources
Covid-19 Vaccine Resources in Wake County